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Where I’ve Been

Hiking across the Western US

In the closing days of my Freshman year of college, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go on a 40-day camping trip across the Western US over the summer. Although I’d never gone on a trip without my family at that point, I was only months away from leaving the country to study in Spain for a semester, so I figured “why not,” and agreed. One of my wilder decisions, to be sure, but one I’m very fond of.

Granada, Spain

In the fall of 2016, I studied at the University of Granada in Andalusian Spain. It’s hard to find the words to describe it in brief without falling on tired tropes or phrases, but if I had to sum up these months in one word: pivotal. Not only was it my first experience being abroad, not only was it a whirlwind of meeting all kinds of new people, but it was here that I realized that I wanted to pursue the study of International Relations, setting the course for the rest of my college career.

St. Petersburg, Russia

When I look back at Spain, a multitude of easy memories come to mind. The same isn’t quite true for my time in Russia—perhaps nothing in Russia can really be called easy—but I treasure these difficulties just as much. It’s a strange country, although not for the reasons that people expect, and its idiosyncrasies have burrowed close to my heart. I’m not sure I have a good answer to the oft-asked question, “Why Russia?” but I sure can say a lot in the process of trying to explain.

Other Places I’ve Been